
August 8, 2018

The Financial Times Review: POP-UP Duets, Lincoln Center Out of Doors, New York — flavours of love and lust

For POP-UP Duets (fragments of love), Edinburgh-based choreographer Janis Claxton has dreamt up a nifty new genre: a hybrid of flash fiction, pop song and site-specific performance suited to the city, where the spectacle of other people’s inner lives is regularly before us. […]
August 7, 2018

The New York Times Review: Those Touchy-Feely Folks on the Plazas? They’re in ‘Pop-Up Duets’

If, between now and Sunday, you’re crossing one of the plazas at Lincoln Center — exiting a matinee of “My Fair Lady,” say, or a Dance Theater of Harlem show — and you notice some especially bold public displays of affection, don’t be shocked. You’ve likely happened upon a performance of “Pop-Up Duets (fragments of love).”[...]
December 1, 2017

What we talk about when we talk about Chinese contemporary dance

In the wake of China’s rise as global superpower, the eyes of the world are turning to its cultural scene. After the boom of visual art in the early 2000s, it is now the performing arts’ turn, with international festivals competing to bring home the next big thing. Within this new wave of performances the rarest of birds has been spotted: Chinese contemporary dance [...]
October 9, 2017

Q&A with Choreographer Gu Jiani on “Right & Left”
US-China Today spoke with Gu Jiani about the intention behind “Right & Left,” its creative evolution and the questions it poses.

US-China Today spoke with Gu Jiani about the intention behind “Right & Left,” its creative evolution and the questions it poses [...]
August 15, 2017

“Sinovision Interview: Mengtong Guan and Ping Pong Productions’ Cultural Exchange” [Chinese]

source : SinovisionNet
July 5, 2017

Podcast: American Theatre Podcast “Offscript”: Alison Friedman on touring “Disgraced” in China

On this week’s podcast, we interview Alison Friedman of Ping Pong Productions, which regularly takes American productions to China. Plus the editors discuss Hedy Weiss, ‘Julius Caesar,’ and the history of theatre architecture [...]
October 21, 2016

PPP Founder Appointed to NCUSCR “Public Intellectuals Program”

The National Committee on United States-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program (PIP) is designed to nurture a new generation of China specialists who have the interest and potential to play significant roles as public intellectuals. In the tradition of earlier China hands who ventured outside of academia into areas relevant to foreign […]